
Broken Hallelujah


This was my first show as an official costume designer. The play is set during the Civil War. I wasn’t able to make final designs with color, but I had decent pencil sketches. If you want to see the costumes on the stage click the button below.

This was my final project for a costume design class. We were to do full paintings on large watercolor paper with matching fabric swatches, as well as smaller paintings (not pictured) and sketches. We only had to do the 10 characters assigned. I pulled inspiration from high fashion for my designs.


Into the Woods

On the Verge


This was another one of my projects for a costume design class. I have to say these were probably my favorite to do. The plays follows three women from the Victorian era traveling through time. The assignment was very similar to Into the Woods for requirements with paintings, swatches, and sketches. This project focused on period specific research for accurate designs.

I did these designs for a production design class as part of a group project. We were to design Oedipus Rex (I took costumes, my partner took sets) in a different setting. We chose the wild west, these are the results.


Oedipus Rex

Midsummer Night’s Dream


This was another project for a costume design class. We were to create color palettes for the 3 worlds in the play, the Fairyworld, the Mechanicals, and the Courtworld. Then we were to make designs based on those palettes. I went for fantasy, modern, and traditional for each world.




Cake Decoration